Monday, April 12, 2010

Back from Spring Break

So, spring break is over. Time to start working on the project again.
Right now, I've been only working on documentation, but, after the tech doc is done, I shall start coding again!

My next (big) tasks are the recovery system and a "breadcrumbs" system.

Recovery System:
The player will shoot his grappling hook to a surface nearby. This helps in case the player missed a jump or something and is falling down, this way he can "recover". The way I plan on doing this is by just using a ray to triangle collision with the nearest triangle and then just move the player over there. This nearest triangle may depend on the player's current velocity, but we will talk about this some other time.

Breadcrumbs System:
This is basically a pathfinding system. When the player doesn't know where to go, he will press a button that will make some "breadcrumbs" appear on the world. Basically, it means the player needs to follow these in order to get to his objective.
I don't think using A-star is worth it for this, since part of the game is to encourage exploration... We don't want to show the player the most optimal path, we just want to give him hints on how to get somewhere.
Since this breadcrumbs are gonna (supposedly) be summoned from the mothership/satellite, I'm planning on using a ray collision from really high above towards the floor (ie. with a direction of Negative World Y: 0,-1,0), this way, the intersection/collision point of the ray would be at the topmost point in that area, and that's where the breadcrumb will be rendered.

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