Friday, April 16, 2010

Almost back to coding

So, today was a day spent salvaging things.
My friends Bruce, Z, Kayla, Luis and his wife helped me out.
We went through all the debris and rubble and we found my old nes and snes games. Some of them are totally destroyed. I was lucky to have insurance, so I hope they will replace my things.
Unfortunately, the emotional value some things had can't be replaced...

Here's a picture so you guys can see I wasn't kidding about the fire.

(this is after the cleaning company helped me salvage big things... Trust me, it was WORSE)

Anyway, I've been working on some functions that will allow us to draw little spheres simulating a parable based on the different angle/speed when doing the long jump. The only thing we need to put into the functions would be the horizontal and vertical speeds (which can be gotten via some other functions that I did that take the speed and the angle) and the elapsed time, that way, say, if we call that function 20 times with elapsed times with a certain interval, we will be able to draw the position the player will be in in those intervals.

The question is, how many of these times should we send? And what should the intervals be?
Testing, testing and more testing.

1 comment:

  1. Seriously, if you wanted a sky window that badly we could have had some professionals come and do it for you.
