Monday, April 26, 2010

Proof of Concept

Today we're presenting our Proof of Concept (I'm not calling it "POC" cause I hate using acronyms).
What we currently have is semi-working collisions (if the triangles are too big, the player falls through) and, since the player aligns to the triangle he's currently on and the level is always moving, you can imagine how twitchy it looks. We need to find a way so that he's not always completely changing his rotation even with a slight movement.

Here's a teaser screenshot (EDIT: TWO screenshots!!):

As you can see, our Frames Per Second are really low... Our collisions are just too complex.
The good thing is, this is debug mode, so in release mode it's still over 60 fps (one of the few acronyms I use).
The vertex and triangle count are 0 because there are no nearby triangles (it only shows those triangles that are near the player, so that we check collisions only with those).
Anyway, here's hoping we fix those collisions soon.